Friday 25 October 2019

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #93 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
9-11am Internet Systems lecture

I know, I know. It’s been a while. In my admittedly pathetic defence, I was ill for the past couple of days (still am) and wasn’t really up for doing anything. Anyway, Today is the first day of the week before reading week which means it’s also the busiest week so far this year with all the coursework deadlines.

I actually managed to submit my INS coursework in today’s lecture which is a big weight off my shoulders. INS lectures just give the impression that the content is all memory work that can be easily memorised by rote learning or whatever works for you so there’s simply no point in starting this early.

11am-12pm Internet Systems tutorial

Unlike the lectures, the tutorial gives a completely different impression. There’s actually a numerical side to this module akin to CS1 however, it’s quite simple so there was no need to worry about not understanding the content now.

12-1pm Foundations of Computing 2 tutorial

These are by far the most useful sessions of this year. You actually feel like you’ve learnt something by the end of them. The content is getting a lot more straightforward which is reassuring since I actually thought FC2 was some insane module at the start of the year. Anyway, I guess the moral of the story here is that don’t judge a module before you complete it.

Hope this helps!

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #92 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
11am-1pm Software Engineering Group Project lecture

Today’s lecture just went on for 2 hours straight with no breaks since the lecturer needed to catch a flight afterwards. The irony is that he meant for it to last 90 minutes hence the reason for no breaks but in the end, it still ended up filling the whole 2 hours.

These lectures are so similar to ISE it just feels like a time machine back to Year 1. The coursework on the other hand, is a completely different story. First off, it’s in PHP mostly (do I need to say more?) so it takes forever to do the training necessary to complete the assignments.

Also, the volume and frequency of assignments means if you don’t stay on top of your work from day 1 you will drown in coursework which is what I’m currently doing. Good thing reading week is next week so I can get a chance to catch up (said no one ever).

4-5pm Software Engineering Group Project practical

All I can say is, I’m super behind. Literally, I have nothing more to say.

Hope this helps!

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #91 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!
12-2pm Foundations of Computing 2 lecture

These lectures are getting so much easier than before it’s hard to believe the content is part of the same module given the disparity in difficulty. Anyway, a module should not be judged on the content but on the exam. Easy content means nothing if the exam is ridiculous so until then I’ll keep my verdicts to myself.

A Day In The Life Of A King's College CompSci #93 (ADITLOAKCCS)

As Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh World!   9-11am Internet Systems lecture I know, I know. It’s been a while. In my admittedly...